Saturday, November 2, 2013

Missed me? :p

I haven't posted anything in a while, but I have indeed been writing 24/7.  I written many lyrics and poems that'll make no sense, a greater amount of pure 'rants' but I'll start edited them up and posting them isA :)
Until then I'd like to share this beautiful deep song with you, If you haven't already come upon it. This song somehow means so much to me, has taken a toll on my life, and is already dedicated to my future husband isA. <3
Women reading this: Prepare to cry
Men reading this: take your ego aside, unwrap the bundle of feelings you've stashed away and let this song touch your heart and melt into your soul. And then come and tell me how it felt to feel like John. Capish?

lol on a side note, ill try to make my posts short so I can actually post them and not get lazy about it! Enjoy :)

(Copy and paste the link into a new tab to view)